2012 CLO/CTO Roundtable: Continuous Learning Driving Consistent Business Results

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An engaging forty-minute Q&A session of senior Chief Learning Officers & Chief Talent Officers sharing insight on workforce strategies for running learning like a business is the only way to deliver planned results at the 11th Annual Chicagoland Learning Leaders conference.

To help guide the roundtable discussion, our facilitator, Bob Mosher, Chief Learning Evangelist with Intuitive, will focus on some of the following discussion points:

  • How do you define “Continuous Learning” at your organization?
  • Who are the key stakeholders in its success?
  • What are the essential ingredients in an organization that enables continuous learning?
  • What tools enable it?
  • We’ve heard a lot of talk around “informal learning” vs. “formal learning,” as well as new emerging learning approaches such as mobile learning, social learning, and performance support. What role do these play in continuous learning?
  • Is “Continuous Learning” scalable? What formal steps do you and your organization take to scale it across your enterprise?
  • What are the significant obstacles that can inhibit “Continuous Learning” from being successful? Is it measurable?
  • What one suggestion would you give to this audience around guaranteeing that “Continuous Learning” will work?