Book Writing Workshop Series | Getting Started

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Have you ever wanted to write a non-fiction book, yet did not know where to start? A book is the most condensed form of knowledge on the planet.

Your accumulated expertise and points of view are valuable. Whether you are a corporate leader or an individual contributor, many want to learn from your ideas and experience. Most authors and aspiring authors know writing a book is hard. Yet, it's not that difficult because millions of people participate in this creative endeavor every year. There are two factors that make writing a non-fiction book accessible and possible:

  • Knowing your why
  • Being disciplined about your process

And a recent poll suggests the top two reasons people want to write a non-fiction book include:

✅ Legacy, making a difference
✅ Establish credibility

If your desire is to write a book, sign up for the 3-part series or start with the first workshop, "Getting Started."

About the presenters and panelists: Melissa Wilson has helped hundreds of authors write and publish their non-fiction (and fiction) books. The other members of the panel, Marti Konstant, Nick Allen, Teri Hart, And Tracey Wik have published books and articles and can share the real-world experience of what it takes to author and publish a book.

This three-part workshop series will focus on the following areas:

  • Getting Started - February 2022
  • Making it Real - April 2022
  • Marketing – June 2022