Session Focus: Helping Tomas @ IQVIA Co-create an Organizational Learning and Talent Needs Assessment
Opportunity: IQVIA wants to tap the ELE network to benchmark organizational assessments. One of @Tomas Ramirez’s first deliverables at IQVIA will be to conduct an organizational assessment for Talent and Learning needs within the business unit he supports.
Tomas plans to interview high-level and mid-level leaders, conduct surveys with the rest of the organization, and then take a deeper dive by sponsoring some focus group discussions.
- Unified Analysis & Measurement Strategy | Reverse Kirkpatrick Model + Needs Assessment
- Purpose of Looking at KPIs during the Discovery Phase
In 2018 Discover shared a portfolio framework for managing training and development.
- Your Learning Needs a Comprehensive Strategy (04-OCT-2018)
As learning professionals, we are frequently tasked to build learning solutions to solve business problems. Quite often, these needs appear to be a worthwhile investment. But without the backdrop of strategy, we miss a critical piece of the decision-making framework – the relative value of specific learning needs a decision.
Framework for prioritizing and integrating learning
To better understand their investments in training and development, four years ago Discover shared how they developed a portfolio framework for managing training and development. Since then, the Learning Strategy team at Discover has worked to articulate a strategy for these portfolios in order to prioritize better learning initiatives that drive optimal business outcomes.
This session focused on helping Tomas at IQVIA develop a comprehensive needs assessment. The speakers, Sean and Tomas, shared valuable insights on conducting strategic needs analyses at both the enterprise and business unit levels.
Here are three key takeaways from the presentation:
1. Alignment of learning strategy to business outcomes is critical for success and funding.
2. A mix of data gathering approaches (interviews, surveys etc.) provides a comprehensive view of needs.
3. Gaining support and mindshare from frontline managers is as important as leadership endorsement.
As Sean emphasized during the presentation: "We were able to go across the organization and we were able to see the different of opinion even within organizations depending on the level that once sat in the organization." Getting perspective from different levels, not just leadership, gives a more accurate picture of true organizational needs.
The speakers walked through detailed frameworks and templates for facilitating needs assessment discussions, including a "reverse Kirkpatrick model" starting with level 4 business metrics then defining required learning. Additional topics covered included change management, leveraging existing learning resources, and budget considerations.
This session provided a showcase that how collaboration can occur across organizations to lift the capabilities of the learning community. It will be interesting to hear how others approach co-creating organizational learning strategies aligned to business priorities. Please share your experiences and insights!