Creating a Talent Management Strategy

There is wide agreement that a talent management strategy is essential for business success. A Google search on this topic will return an endless list of articles, blogs and consultants that suggest what a talent management strategy should look like, key components and best practices. Despite this positive press, research by John Boudreau, Mara Swan and Amy Doyle , suggests that most organizations either lack a clear talent management strategy or if they have one it’s disconnected from the real business context.

As HR and Talent Leaders, we know that a talent management strategy is critical to ensuring alignment between business strategy and talent management activities. But often it’s hard to determine what’s best for your organization, and how should you go about creating one. In this roundtable, Suzanne Sherry, Stacy Karbe and Jaison Williams will discuss and share examples of how they have created talent management strategies that are truly connected to the business and deliver business outcomes.

Suzanne plans to open this discussion with one or more of the following questions…

  • What are some approaches you have used to link the talent strategy to the business strategy and long-range plans of the organization?
  • How do you keep it relevant to the business needs?
  • How do you involve senior leaders in driving a talent management strategy?
  • How is success defined for a talent management strategy?
  • What pitfalls or challenges should you be aware of?

Come prepared to actively contribute and participate in the discussion.
