Many practitioners struggle to create a comprehensive, yet practical, measurement strategy, especially one that meets the needs of program managers, department leaders, and senior company leaders. Everyone knows measurement is important and that best-in-class organizations have well-defined measurement strategies, but there is much less agreement on what constitutes a world-class measurement strategy and how to create one.
We will explore the elements of a best-in-class measurement strategy and define what it should include. We will begin by examining the reasons for undertaking a measurement strategy since these reasons will provide guidance on which measures should be selected and how they should be reported and used. Then we will review the elements of a good measurement strategy. Next we will explore the three types or categories of measures from Talent Development Reporting principles (TDRp) that all strategies should include: effectiveness, efficiency and outcomes. Then we will review the most commonly used measures in each category. Last, we will explore how the measures can be used in reports.
This session is designed to improve your understanding of measurement and TDRp as well as to increase your business acumen. You will learn:
- The different reasons for measuring
- The elements of a measurement strategy
- The three types of measures
- The most commonly used measures and how to define and measure them
- How the measures can be used in reports
- Mistakes to avoid