The learning circle participants overwhelmingly voiced that Curation will likely be a Strategic, Integrated Talent Development Capability(and NOT A FAD). There is so much (internal and external) content available; it seems unlikely the more efficient learning solution needs to be built in-house or purchased from expensive 3rd-party vendors.
- When curating L&D content, next practice is to identify trusted, curated content libraries (vs. random sites found on the internet where URL links likely will be unreliable).
- Our value-add in L&D and HR functions is to augment curated content with organizational specific content (i.e., a curated micro-learning might be 80% - 95% curated content and augmented with 5% - 20% company-specific content).
- Frontier showed a change management example of repurposing content from HRDQ. Frontier took the text heave content from HRDQ and transformed it for online delivery by adding graphics, interactions, and animation. Visual communications reduce the cognitive overload of consuming HRDQ. The advantage is you start with content (curated) and modify and still save time and money.
- A new L&D role likely will emerge: a Content Curator – Newton Moore is sharing a job description used to recruit project team members.
- “Lean Learning”–-increases in learning efficiency… Amy Cooper shared a new business article abstract, eLearning Is Dead! Long Live Lean Learning!, she thought we would find valuable.
There are alternatives for designing learning events/activities from scratch. Purchasing or curating rich content on leadership learning is possible without much design effort. You can shorten time to delivery of your program through curation.
The Learning Circle Model: Collaborative Knowledge Building
Jesse/Frontier, who has the most experience with adobe connect, suggested that
- We don’t use video (the wifi bandwidth will not be sufficient to provide quality interaction)
- Everyone should use headset vs. laptop mic/speakers (to keep the background noise and avoid echo/feedback with laptop speakers)
- Everyone needs to keep their mics muted when not speaking (attached is a job aid Jesse found helpful)
Maybe in the last 10 minutes, you have a gathering of what people learned and use that input to create this?
Third-party vendors can help with your curation effort. Another way to efficiently get the right content is by finding already designed material and repurposing it for your audience. We looked at several vendors: HRDQ-RTL & CTM (Corporate Training Material)
- Access 70+ ELE branded (HRDQ-RTS) courses: e-Learning courses, learning summaries, instructor & student guides, course overviews, etc. on ELE's Amazon S3 cloud here.