Curation Learning Circle: Curating a Manager Development Cohort Learning Experience I

Focus: Reimagine Return on Training Content--Take Out Costs & Deliver New Kinds of Business Value
Case Studies: Navistar & Bellevue University's PowerSkills

Interactive Review of TWO FRAMEWORKS for Team Leaders to improve their skills as managers:

  1. Navistar’s Jhana Live—Team Leaders Workbook (Kirk Hallowell)
  2. Bellevue University’s 7 Critical Power Skills™ (Michelle Eppler)

As long ago as 2005, a skills gap among American workers has been documented in articles, briefs, and research papers.

In 2008, the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) noted the following most critical skills needs (as cited by HR professionals) – in this order:

1. Adaptability 2. Critical Thinking/Problem Solving 3. Leadership 4. Professionalism/Work Ethic 5. Teamwork/Collaboration  6. IT Application Skill7. Creativity.

It’s interesting to note that among the top seven skills cited, only one is a technical skill. The gap in these skills has been documented repeatedly since.

 Interactive Roundtable Discussion:

  1.  Copyrights Issues for L&D—What is allowable versus not when curating online content?
    • E.g., YouTube, Google, TEDtalk, TEDed, HRDQ/CTM, getAbstract, Degreed
  2. How-to Curate Strategies – Strategies to Make Learning Stick tend to add the 70:20:10 approach to the
    mix. What are ways to increase the Learning Experience when translating content into learning…what is
    going to draw people to the curated content and add value for them?
  3. Summarize Curation Resources—What have we uncovered & tips on how we use?