Session Focus: Extending NPS using Continuous Improvement Methodology for Leadership Development
While the HR function can practice continuous improvement without a formal version of a Lean and Agile method, the right framework for the enterprise integrates continuous improvement with better ways to measure and analyze learning’s impact, reduce waste, align to business goals, and effectively tell the story of learning’s impact.
NPS (Net Promotor Score) is a simple yet powerful tool we can use to get started with being much more analytic and data-driven–it’s a great conversation starter for all business and HR leaders to have.
Most of our business and customer-facing functions use NPS, and it’s an easy strategy to align our learning impact in a common language.
Let’s explore a case study where NPS is used for Director-level leadership development and dig deeper with The Net Impact System, a continuous improvement approach specific to L&D, will better measure and analyze learning’s impact, reduce waste, align to business goals, and effectively tell the story of learning’s impact.