Engagement - Stop Measuring It and Start Building It

In a survey of HR professionals at the recent National SHRM Conference, the BPI group found that increasing employee engagement is one of HR’s most significant challenges for the coming year. These results are hardly a surprise. Organizations are receiving dismal data on the rate of their employee engagement - and it costs them. Gallup calculates that actively disengaged workers cost U.S. businesses $300 billion a year in productivity losses.

In today’s market, organizations can no longer rely on top-down, one-size-fits-all engagement programs. You need to start building employee commitment organically from the bottom up. This approach isn’t about surveys or engagement programs. It’s about empowering employees and managers to work together in a balanced and sustainable way to increase the discretionary effort on strategically-aligned activities.

We invite you to stop measuring employee engagement and start building it. Our presentation will help you move beyond the employee engagement survey to what comes next.

  • A fresh and practical perspective on employee engagement that can be quickly implemented within work teams, departments and divisions, as well as the entire organization
  • The role engagement plays in building your organization’s brand, and why you should be very concerned about leadership practices that create disengagement
  • Where to start after the engagement survey results are in
  • The key to creating sustainable employee commitment
  • How you can develop managers to build employee engagement, and empower employees to develop their commitment
  • How to make engagement go viral in your organization
  • Case studies of how other organizations have successfully increased engagement