Experiential Learning—structuring the unstructured

Experiential learning has always been a critical part of corporate learning – it’s the part of the learning process that we all know is valuable but can be difficult to control, measure, or manage effectively. Over the last decade, we as learning leaders have been inundated with different models and technology created to help us manage the learning process. This roundtable panel will open an idea sharing session around what is working in today’s experiential learning environment inside Chicagoland businesses.

During the roundtable, the following topics will likely be surfaced for discussion:

  • How does experience-based or on-the-job (OJT) learning take place in your company today? Is it working? Is it scalable for all job functions?
  • Does your learning & development team manage OJT or is it left to the frontline business leaders?
  • If the learning & development organization does support experiential learning, how does it measure success? How do you know it is working? How do you connect the formal learning to practical experience
  • Are new technologies and learning practices helping or hindering the mission of leading learning & development teams?

