BlueCross BlueShield of Illinois, also known as Health Care Service Corporation (HCSC), is one of many companies creating high-impact executive development programs using newer, low-cost technologies. With the dynamic changes required for healthcare reform, developing future leaders is necessary to impact business results and transform the way we work. Typically, it’s difficult, if not impossible, to conduct entirely classroom-based development programs for top talent.
Given the whirlwind demands to keep the business running and having a geographically dispersed workforce, by using low-cost tablets, small cohorts of senior leaders can collaborate in a structured learning program, including both formal and informal learning to achieve business results. Using components that enhance collaboration such as Leaders as Teachers (both archived videos & interactive, synchronous WebEx session), executive book summaries, and access additional industry-specific learning resources, a 15 – 20 person cohort can become competent in specific business issues when and where learning is most convenient for them.
This discussion will put forward the practical application and in motion practices for accelerating leadership development best practices. Other top talent groups of interest are high potential candidates for succession planning & developing bench strength for securing the right starting lineup of current and future leaders. Hear how HCSC line leaders and learning leaders approach demonstrating business impact from this timely case study.