How to (RE)activate a 100+ Year-old Brand through Performance & Learning

Online retailers and shifts in spending habits are just a couple of the things plaguing traditional retailers. In the current market, there is a tremendous amount of pressure for brick and mortar to stay relevant. With close to 9000 stores nationwide, how is Walgreens differentiating themselves in this ever evolving, rapid-paced, digitally driven environment?

To reactivate our Brand through learning and performance, we are developing an agile approach to learning and performance that incorporates technology and leverages team member insights and feedback. We are focused on end to end, holistic solutions that develop our team members from every angle. We are doing this through a simple 3 step process as shown below:

  • Engage me: Tell a compelling story that explains the why. Gather thoughts and feedback through surveys, focus groups and conducting empathetic interviews. We are engaging our team members and partnering closely with them to create new, innovative, learning solutions.
  • Show me: Use data collected to create innovate, engaging prototypes. Put these prototypes back in the hands of the team members to test them, play around with them (we’ve had lots of demos) and gather feedback on their learning experience. Quickly integrate team member feedback and implement the solution.
  • Let me try: Place the solution back in the hands of the team members and let them train their peers and their customers were applicable.

Using this approach team members are not only informing and co-creating their own learning solutions, they are also empowered and can confidently educate others. This also allows us to work through obstacles, make changes and pivot when necessary.

  • Including team members in the development process has created higher levels of buy in and commitment.
  • Challenging ourselves to think outside the box to create the right learning experiences, even the impossible, is driving new, innovative and impactful solutions. is driving new, innovative and impactful solutions.
  • Rapid prototyping and agile solutions are allowing us to gather feedback and implement change quickly.
  • Hands on practice, in the moment coaching and feedback is increasing team member capability and confidence.