Improving Employee Experience: What is Our Role?

The Employee Experience: What It Is and Why It Matters:
Focusing on employee satisfaction or employee engagement isn't enough.
You need to think about the overall employee experience.—Inc. Aug 31, 2017

We know that employee engagement is connected to team and company performance. We also know that engagement itself isn’t enough (no, ping pong tables and beer in the fridge doesn’t get you engagement). Companies that want sustained engagement have to consider the entire employee experience.

What we will Explore Together:

  • Companies that spend time focusing on the customer experience have higher customer satisfaction. Focusing on the employee experience can lead to higher engagement.
  • While HR/L&D is not solely responsible for the employee experience, we can play a key role.
  • Employees, especially younger employees, focus on mission, development and culture more than ever. This will change the role of HR/L&D. But what exactly needs to be changed is not fully understood.