D & I in an era when Black Lives begin to Matter
During the Coronavirus & Social Injustice Learning Circle on June 15, 50 people gathered to discuss the implications of the Black Lives Matter movement in the workplace. Specifically, the way in which L&D should respond. From multiple chat comments during the session, there is a clear struggle to find the right way to talk about race and racism in the workplace. After decades-long narrative about meritocracy, we are forced to confront the role of race, positive and negative stereotypes (white privilege) play in hiring, developing, and promoting employees. The conversation is fraught with challenges.
What we will explore together :
During this session, we'll explore those difficult topics and strategies L&D may apply to navigate an incredibly challenging topic.
- Exploring positive and negative stereotypes:
- Race
- Gender
- Body
- Discuss the implications of stereotypes (unconscious bias and employee performance)
- Changing a racist system by changing the conversation
- Make it safe to talk and learn
- Make it safe to shine a light on racist acts without labeling someone as a racist
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- Sharing practical case studies aligned to business needs
- Identifying key issues and developing insights and solutions
- Canvassing learning industry trends applied at ELE members’ workplace
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