Leadership ON PURPOSE: How Agile Leaders Inspire Others

In Leadership ON PURPOSE, Grubich and Smith provide the rationale and roadmap, tips and techniques for developing The Six Attributes of Agile Leaders that you and your leaders will need to create cultures that attract, inspire, and retain the best talent.

There are six attributes that we believe are of the utmost importance for leaders ON PURPOSE to possess for the sustainability and success of their organization.

  1. Personal Integrity - your presence as a leader.
  2. Learning Agility - your ability and willingness to learn from experience.
  3. Coaching Others – accepting accountability for the development of others.
  4. Followership - your talent to inspire, build credibility, and earn the trust of others.
  5. Systems Thinking – your capacity to view the organization from a broader perspective.
  6. Change Resiliency – your ability to maintain consistent personal integrity and a level of productivity through a variety of situations.

This useful and timely guide filled with engaging stories and compelling thought models gives leaders the right mindset and the true bearing for success.
