Session Focus: Diving behavioral change by designing experiential elements like peer coaching, on-the-job practice, self-reflection, and manager conversations to develop next-gen leaders
LEADERSHIP PIZZA is a leadership development activity that offers a self-assessment framework for people to first identify what skills, attributes, and attitudes they find important for effective leadership, and then assess their own development and initiate goal setting.
Like Leadership Pizza? You will love Steve Dolinsky’s book, Pizza City USA: 101 Reasons Why Chicago Is America’s Greatest Pizza Town. You can look inside from Amy Dordek Dolinsky’s ELE Bookshelf.
Learn new skills and explore talent development capabilities with this opportunity to Connect Contribute Collaborate & Impact with talent development leaders on Zoom.
ELE’s Learning Circle will be ideating Retooling Talent Development for the New Normal.
- How Do We in L&D Add Unexpected Value?
- Why does it matter?