Solving the Mystery of Leading People through Change

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Enjoy this entertaining and educational skit based on the book Who Killed Change? Solving the Mystery of Leading People Through Change.

Nearly 70 percent of all change initiatives fail. It doesn’t have to be this way. Most change efforts get derailed or fail for predictable reasons. But many leaders aren’t aware of these reasons and make the same mistakes again and again. Solving this challenge now is more important than ever in today’s economic climate.

So, who or what is killing change? This clever whodunit seeks to answer this question as it introduces a Columbo-style detective, Agent Mike McNally, who’s investigating the murder of yet another Change. One by one, Agent McNally interviews some of the prime suspects that everyone will recognize from their workplace – Culture, Sponsorship, the day-to-day Change Leadership Team, Budget, Accountability, and others. You’ll be inspired to learn more and become an effective change agent in your organization.

    • While many things can go wrong during a change initiative, change fails for predictable reasons, and most of these can be traced back to ineffective leadership
    • Most change leaders want to do a good job, but they do not know what a good job looks like. Consequently, the results achieved are far less than what was envisioned at the outset
    • People are not so much resistant to change as they are resistant to being controlled. Gain people’s commitment by giving them opportunities to get involved and influence the change process

Quickly assess what’s working and what’s not working within your real change initiatives. Use the questions and practical recommendations in the concluding chapter of the book to develop a plan of action.

Following the 30-minute skit will be a question and answer session with one of the book’s authors, Judd Hoekstra.
