Moving Beyond 9 Box Grids | Talent Builder Engaging Employees

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Session Focus:  Engaging Employees with a simple framework moving beyond 9-box assessments

Case Study: Talent Builder (Charter Manufacturing)

9-box Grids for Succession Planning

Source for graphic: AIHR (The Netherlands)

In this insightful presentation, Megan Joecks, VP of Talent Management at Charter Manufacturing, shared how her organization revolutionized their talent management approach by moving beyond traditional 9-box grids. The new "Talent Builder" framework focuses on engaging employees at all levels while providing a more nuanced and actionable talent assessment process.

Megan emphasized, "We are taking the stance that development is for everyone and there might be additional engagement or retention tactics that may need to be deployed for your top talent."

This philosophy underpins their innovative approach to talent management and development.

Key Takeaways:

1. Rethinking Talent Assessment: By transitioning from the traditional nine-box grid to a "Development Paths" approach, organizations can foster more meaningful talent conversations and generate actionable insights for employee growth and succession planning.

2. Transparency and Engagement: Implementing a transparent talent management process that actively involves employees in their own development journey can significantly boost engagement levels and improve the effectiveness of succession planning efforts.

3. Facilitating Meaningful Conversations: Equipping both managers and employees with tools like conversation starters can help initiate and maintain productive discussions about career development and potential, leading to more engaged and motivated workforce.

This session provided valuable insights for HR professionals and leaders looking to modernize their talent management practices and create a more engaging, transparent, and development-focused organizational culture.
