Preparing for Workforce 2020 … How Should Learning & Talent Development Respond Today?

How will the workforce of 2020 differ from that of today? How should Learning & Talent Development organizations evolve to address these needs? What mix of services will they need to provide compared to today? Will Learning & Talent Development organizations require different capabilities?

The authors of a recent book on The 2020 Workplace: How Innovative Companies Attract, Develop, and Keep Tomorrow's Employees Today, Meister and Willyerd explore five principles that will resonate strongly in future workplaces:

  • Collaboration – This calls for interwoven work, internally and externally.
  • Authenticity – Core values and transparency demonstrate genuineness.
  • Personalization – Employees want tailor-made career paths.
  • Innovation – In a changing world, new thinking enables sustainability.
  • Social connection – No one is an island. The future workplace will be based on sharing and forming a community.

The purpose of this engaging roundtable is to share how various companies are planning innovative methods for their Learning & Talent Development groups to modify their services and offerings to meet the needs of the workforce of the upcoming decade.

To help guide the interactive discussion, our facilitator will cover some or all of the following:

  • How is workforce shifting? (For example, Meister and Willyerd provide a "Top Five" list we will consider)
  • Given these shifts, what roles will businesses expect Learning and Talent Development organizations to serve in the future?
  • Given these shifts, what additional, perhaps unrecognized, opportunities will Learning, and Talent Development organizations have to serve their businesses?
  • What changes are Learning and Talent Development organizations making to prepare? What changes should we be making?