Rolling-out Global Learning Opportunities: Consistent and Locally Adaptable

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For many multi-national organizations, growing business and expansion into emerging markets have resulted in a greater emphasis on developing talent. Business leaders expect Learning and Development (L&D) will provide the same learning experience to all employees across different geographies.

A common challenge for L&D is to ensure that we design content to meet global needs and, at the same time, can accommodate cultural/local requirements in each of our markets. Also, we have had to develop cost-effective and efficient processes around implementation.

This roundtable panel discussion is an opportunity to share our collective experience in designing and delivering global courses.

To help guide the roundtable panel discussion, our facilitator will cover some or all of the following:

  • Initial Challenges
  • Global Design and Implementation Process
  • Insights from Global Design Process
  • Insights from Executing Implementation
  • Results What’s worked, or not?