Sales Enablement: Giving rainmakers access to learning in a 21st century way

Today’s sales force must be smarter to win. In the wake of the recession, fewer people are selling, but the goals, workload, and expectations for those who have grown. You need to be busier than you were in the past, and you must scrutinize every deal because there are fewer deals and opportunities out there. Your competition? It’s fierce, and, as a result, pricing is under siege. Salespeople must make every effort to escape the gravity of commoditization.

To help guide this roundtable discussion, we’ll encourage participants to share sales performance challenges, success stories, and innovative experiments including:

  1. What performance challenges does your sales force face?
  2. How have you measured the business impact of your sales enablement initiatives? Share success stories.
  3. What innovative sales enablement experiments are you conducting?
  4. How do you onboard new sales hires?
  5. What technologies are you using to enable sales force performance, and how are you using them?