The Modern Learner: Social/Gamification Learning, Agile Design & More…

More than simply generational differences, today’s learners, regardless of their age or tenure, are simultaneously enabled and crippled by technology and systems designed to increase collaboration and efficiency. As learning professionals, how do we respect learner’s realities while ensuring learning does more than exacerbate the problem?

To help guide this roundtable panel discussion, we’ll encourage participants to share the following:

  1. Current state: Is learning part of the problem, or are there bright spots we can cling to?
  2. Compliance learning: In many industries, growing compliance needs are creating opportunity costs in terms of other learning. How do we better balance these needs?
  3. Enabling culture: What can we do to shape the organizational culture to embrace learning as part of work?
  4. Blended learning: What is the magic mix of F2F, web-based, job aid, social…?
  5. Today’s learners want flexibility, to control the pace of their learning, taking a few modules at a time, or completing the entire program within a compressed schedule. Content is often chunked into sprint-like short topics. What are you doing to address these needs?
  6. How are you personalizing training so that learners can focus on their own needs? Can learners take the training just-in-time and focus on the content that is just-for-them?
  7. Given all of these challenges, how do you ensure that your employees have the skills and knowledge to perform their jobs effectively and efficiently?

