The Neuroscience of Connection & Contribution

Organizations continue to rely on traditional learning programs for developing leaders. What can we learn from neuroscience to help improve developing talent in corporate learning?

To help guide the roundtable panel discussion, our facilitator will cover some or all of the following:

  • Using neuroscience to help structure learning experiences is an exciting twist. Can you explain if our brains were designed for learning in a classroom or using e-Learning?
  • What does the research tell us about the learner’s ability to retain information?
  • Does stress play a factor in learning engagement and how we learn?
  • When we think about self-directed contributors (both learning and on-the-job experiences), what issues are useful to think about?
  • What are other issues with neuroscience should L&D think about?
  • In addition to Social/Connections & Reflection/Mindfulness, what’s involved with “tame the tiger” as it relates to learning experiences?
  • What are take-aways for learning & talent development leaders to be mindful of neuroscience?

This session will focus on providing insight into:

  • Discover how neuroscience is challenging what we think we know.
  • Learn new techniques about the neuroscience & our brains for improving learning solutions within your organization.