The Power of the Right Question: Practical Neuroscience to Improving Individual and Team Performance

I am often asked if there is one single skill that makes an individual more effective than another. After 13 years of research, I believe there is. And, when honed, it leads to better individual and team performance. As the interdependencies underlying today’s problems become more entangled, decision-makers who are able to adapt quickly is essential. The issue, however, is that we each have deeply rooted beliefs and behaviors that prevent or slow us from adapting to change quickly. With the convergence of neuroscience and data gathered from new learning technologies, we are helping people learn how to learn, unlearn, and relearn quickly to adapt to today’s global business challenges.

Our brain is an amazing searchable database linking emotions, memories, information, and events together to form answers to a seemingly endless stream of questions. The key to receiving a successful answer, one of significant value that holds the power to change behavior or to motivate another, however, lies in the words we choose to ask the question in the first place. New assessment instruments, technologies, and understanding of the brain are helping individuals and teams increase problem-solving abilities, make complex decisions, and collaborate more effectively.

  • Examine the underlying dynamics that improve individual and team performance
  • Learn how to ask the right questions to trigger ‘System 2’ thinking
  • Explore how to surface and change deeply rooted mental models