Upskilling for the Now Normal

What is the distance between disruption and acquiring the skills your organization needs to navigate in the "now normal?" Peering through the lens of individual and organizational learning agility, what will cultivate your company's resilience for navigating a highly disruptive event, while shortening the distance?

What we will explore together

COVID may be top of mind today, yet it wasn't long ago you experienced events like 911 and the Global Financial crisis. These setbacks and troublesome events collectively expose the eroding buffer between the chaotic event and our physical, social, and economic vulnerabilities.

The session will explore strategies to integrate agility at individual and organizational levels. The goal is to reduce the distance between disruption and the rebound for smart upskilling and business growth.


ELE’s Idea Exchange: Collaborate your insights online with your peers here.


Consider joining ELE’s Virtual cohort for Learning & HR Executives. A TEAM LEADERS Membership grants a year-long learning process through face-to-face collaboration and networking with other local heads of Learning & Talent Development, access to a robust archive of Virtual cohorts and exchanges via ELE Insights, and robust question & answer forum named the ELE Idea Exchange. Each senior leader is encouraged to bring a peer from their organization that contributes to, engages, or supports the Learning & Talent spectrum for their workplace.

Our quarterly cohort exchanges are built around the following design elements:

  1. Sharing practical case studies aligned to business needs
  2. Identifying key issues and developing insights and solutions
  3. Canvassing learning industry trends applied at ELE members’ workplace

For more information, visit
