Using Neuroscience to Enhance Virtual Learning

Session Focus: Illustrate what leaders might do differently if they were truly to “design with the brain in mind.”

Many industry analysts believe virtual learning blends naturally into how our brains are wired to learn.

Digital transformation is making virtual learning easier than ever before.

To fully exploit these possibilities (and limits) to create rich virtual learning experiences, we first need to understand brain science.

Active learning takes advantage of processes that stimulate multiple neural connections in the brain and promote memory–Berkely University of California

In this session, you’ll experience a simple but high-impact, rich virtual learning scenario. As a group, we explore the latest Neuroscience with insights from psychological studies of how people think and learn.

  • How Do We in L&D Add Unexpected Value?
  • Why does it matter?

ELE hosts this virtual happy hour meetup every other Monday on Zoom.
