Career with Purpose: A Guide to Finding the Work You Love

By Michael Grubich, Mike Milsted

What is the purpose of work in your life? You spend one-third of your existence laboring at something, a third of it sleeping, and a third spending time with family or engaged in personal activities. Understanding the meaning you want to derive and the impact you want to make in that working third is incredibly important.

In bringing this book together, Mike Grubich and Mike Milsted aim to help you, as we have helped many others, define what’s important to you in your work life, find your True North, and follow your path with intention and conviction. This is what it means to have a career with purpose.

Wherever you are in your career, the sooner you discover and come to terms with what you love doing, the sooner you can take the rudder, bring purpose to what you do for a living, and actively participate in navigating your future.

As our title indicates, this is your field guide to finding the work you love. The stories, tools, and exercises within are designed to unearth your story, help you define what to do for a living, and make it your brand.

We then provide the methods for building a network of inner circle support around you. We give you the strategies to put you in charge of the interview process and lay out how to prepare for and act during negotiations. Finally, we help you onboard with purpose, develop a personal development plan, secure early wins, and become an integral part of your new organization.

Make your next move the best move of your working life. Know your story, build your brand around it, find an organization and culture you can align with, and work at something that adds value to your life.
