Trends and Issues in Instructional Design and Technology (3rd Edition)

By Busby R, and James Goldsmith
ASIN#: 978-0-13-256358-1

Trends and Issues in Instructional Design and Technology, Third Edition, provides readers with a clear picture of the field of instructional design and technology, the trends and issues that have affected it in the past and present, and those trends and issues likely to affect it in the future. The text will prepare its readers to master the skills associated with IDT, clearly describe the nature of the field, familiarize themselves with the field's history and its current status, and describe recent trends and issues impacting the field.

Rich Busby shares his insights in Chapter 13. Managing Scarce Resources in Training Projects.

Every training organization has a limited amount of people, time, and/or money available to complete a project. This limited resource availability undoubtedly will affect the scope and success of the organization's projects. Busby and Goldsmith discuss the knowledge and skills in the instructional design field to successfully address these circumstances. The authors begin the chapter by defining what they mean by "resources" and "resource scarcity" and then describe how resource availability and the scope of a project affect one another. They then discuss such basic economic concepts as supply and demand and the economic cycle, factors that profoundly influence resource availability. The authors then conclude by providing strategies a training manager can adopt to address the problems presented by resource scarcity.
