JBA/ELE Leading L&D 6: Debrief

This highlight video is from October 19, 202 session JBA/ELE Leading L&D 6: Debrief

Discussion Group 6: Debrief | Experiencing Global Cohort Learning on the Josh Bersin Academy platform optimized to scale.

What a great experience the last 5 weeks have been taking The Leading L&D Program as an ELE cohort.

Let’s wrap up with a final 30-minute debrief on the following two goals:

  1. Experience a well-built cohort designed to scale, and
  2. Upskill ourselves: Develop new strategies that align with employees’ and organizations’ needs to thrive while learning new tools.

Diving deeper into cohort-based learning solutions and finding success using some or all of the eight principles while getting hands-on, practical guidance and time-tested wisdom from two CLOs, Pamay Bassey, Chief Learning and Diversity Officer at the Kraft Heinz Company, and Cameron Hedrick, Chief Learning Officer at Citi.

  1. Well-designed social interactions
  2. A sense of safety and belonging
  3. Real people engaging authentically
  4. Opportunities for individual reflection
  5. Knowledge sharing and peer facilitation
  6. Arguing (constructively) together
  7. Learners, not instructors, at the center
  8. Human stories expertly told

Eight Principles for Successful Cohort-Based Learning at Scale


? Cohort-based collaborative learning and coaching are the hottest topics in L&D. Fundamental shifts and paradoxes we explored over the five weeks include:

  1. From Periphery to Center
  2. From Inputs to Outcomes
  3. From Individuals to Cohorts
  4. From Executives to Everyone
  5. From Training to Culture

By learning with your global peers, this five-week lets us experience the forward-thinking concepts and principles for how we can design cohort-based learning at scale.

Pre-read: Cohort-Based Learning at Scale – Eight Principles for Success (Nomadic, 2022)
