This highlight video is from February 13, 2023 session The Power of Cohort Learning
Session Focus: Creating Collaborative Cohort-based Learning Case Study
This interactive discussion with leading experts helps you design impactful collaborative learning experiences, whether fully digital or blended online with live sessions.
‘Learning in the flow of work involves accessing, quickly and easily, an answer or a short piece of learning content while you’re working. The phrase was coined by Josh Bersin. Research shows that learning in the flow drives productivity, increases engagement with formal learning and improves knowledge retention.
e-Book Resource: The Power of Cohort Learning, What it is, why it works, and how to get started
Why is it important? BOTH learners and CLOs choose collaborative online learning as the preferred approach for business-critical training topics. (See the survey results.)
Join our community of learning professionals who:
- Need to scale and measure business impact
- Expect more from learning technology
- Want collaboration + available anytime, anywhere
- Refuse to skimp on engagement
Resource: Cohort-Based Learning at Scale – Eight Principles for Success (Nomadic, 2022)
We are interested in diving deeper into Josh Bersin Academy’s cohort-based learning solutions and finding success:
- Well-designed social interactions
- A sense of safety and belonging
- Real people engaging authentically
- Opportunities for individual reflection
- Knowledge sharing and peer facilitation
- Arguing (constructively) together
- Learners, not instructors, at the center
- Human stories are expertly told