Accelerating New Manager Development: Live Case Study

Managers are given one of the greatest challenges in Company Life: How to understand, organize and motivate people to work together to achieve more, better, faster. Research shows that the main reason people leave a company is because of their boss. It’s also the main reason why they stay, learn, grow and make extra effort. Given that, how do we accelerate new manager development at Harley-Davidson to help them be effective?” Our response: We designed and piloted a 12-week new manager learning experience that just concluded on May 3, 2018. We want to share our learnings and dialogue about next steps.

  • What is the 12-week new manager development learning experience?
  • What were the learnings from the pilot?
  • How can we scale the experience going forward?
  • How will we engage remote participants?
  • How do we then help experienced managers grow?

This session will provide a living case on accelerating new manager development. Participants will engage in a dialogue on how to improve the new manager learning experience and measure impact going forward.
