Accelerating Speed to Proficiency using Cognitive Science Principles

The goal of training is to produce highly proficient performers in as short a time as possible, resulting in substantial benefits and savings to the organization. Although organizations invest significant resources in training, many learners find that they can’t perform without substantial help and support following the training events. It can take months or even years before they become proficient performers, especially for complex jobs. One reason for this is that people learn by doing, and frequently training programs are designed to impart content, rather than let people gain the essential experiences they need to perform on the job.

Using strategies from the cognitive learning sciences, instructional designers, and performance technologists can significantly accelerate the process of developing proficient performers by providing them with a systematically constructed case-based curriculum. We’ll see how to design a learning model that incorporates the five principles of Performance Centered.


  • Learning by doing
  • A systematic set of experiences
  • Teachable moment
  • Integrate knowledge and skills
  • Community of learners

In this highly interactive session, you will receive practical tips and guidelines for developing a case-based curriculum that increases speed to proficiency.

  • How Performance Centered Learning can increase speed to proficiency
  • The cognitive research-based underpinnings of Performance Centered Learning
  • How to apply the five principles of Performance Centered Learning to curriculum design