After Collecting Metrics: Best Practices Producing COMPETITIVE Business Results

This interactive roundtable discussion will engage participants with a discussion on the following illustration. Let’s suppose we have met with the business partner, assessed their need, developed and implemented the solution, and we have collected levels 1, 2 and 3 metrics. What comes next? What are some of the best practices to use this data?

  1. Analyze the data;
  2. Make improvements in the curriculum;
  3. Share the data with team and with business partner;
  4. Share the success or failure of the project.

To help guide this roundtable panel discussion, we’ll encourage participants to share the following:

  • What is your process for analyzing the metrics that have been collected?
  • What is your strategy to share metrics with your learning team?
  • How transparent are you with sharing results with your business partner?
  • How important is it to have a dashboard and what should be on a dashboard for Learning?
  • How do you use the data to compare yourself to other organizations?