Conversations to Engage, Develop & Retain Your Employees

A vast majority of Human Resource and Talent Management professionals said career development conversations are the types of conversations employees most want to have with their manager. On the flip side, these same professionals report they are not happening. What is? Conversations about daily operations and tasks…

And while every employee needs to know the “what and how of their job today,” they are really thinking about a whole lot more. Can I see my future in your future? Do I really like it here? What’s next for me?

The simple truth? Talk is exactly what employees want … we’re just not giving it or giving the kind they want. Conversations to engage, develop and retain employees are the bedrock of strong relationships between employees and managers. These conversations can and do create an environment where employees feel valued, respected and heard.

Hear more about the ‘How’ in this powerful hour and start by cultivating a sense of curiosity and ultimately conversation in your own organization.

When we really listen, we are often really surprised. Let your employees surprise you and don’t be afraid to surprise others. After all, we all want conversations to engage, develop and retain. It’s up to you to make them happen.
