Evidence-based Mentoring Practices: An Interactive Experience

Creating a culture of mentoring can realize benefits for employees and the organization by supporting career optimism, engagement and retention of the newest entrants to the workforce. Using evidence based mentoring practices can increase rates of mentoring activities and yield quantifiable benefits for individuals and the organization.

Six mentoring evidence based practices lead to quantifiable benefits that include feeling valued, career optimism, competence, professional growth, security, and leadership readiness. Findings from a pilot mentoring program with pediatric nurses have spurred further study on rates of mentoring, knowledge of mentoring, and leadership practices that support a culture of mentoring. Plans are underway to replicate the pediatric nurse mentoring program for administrative professionals.

  • Mentoring begets mentoring. Individuals who have been mentored are more likely to mentor others.
  • Formal structured programs and informal mentoring activities can lead to similar positive benefits.
  • Mentoring knowledge and experience is varied among employees and leaders. Mentoring definitions provide a foundation for employees and leaders to understand what mentoring is and the practices that support a culture of mentoring.