Fostering a Culture for Integrated Talent Management

How do leading global companies leverage Senior Leaders to support a culture of development? How do you leverage learning to impact leadership thinking and behaviors? What processes have worked to facilitate leadership development experiences, and strategies have been implemented to deliver sustainable results? How do metrics play into the selection and development of talent?
The purpose of this learning leader panel is to share stories about strategies and processes that focus on creating a leadership development culture and relevant experiences for current and emerging leaders. Included in these stories will be detailed on how their approach is designed to impact the leadership pipeline and deliver results.

  • Engaging Senior Leadership
  • Motivation and Incentives
  • Change Management Considerations
  • Accountability and Tracking
  • Web-based Tools
  • Variations by business function
  • Mentoring and Support
  • Evaluation Plan

This session is a panel discussion of industry experts, moderated by Lynn Miller. Hear what has worked in a variety of learning solutions for Fostering a Culture for Integrated Talent Management, what hasn’t and why.
