How to Prepare Now for the 2020 Workplace

ELE Insight

How to Prepare Now for the 2020 Workplace

Three significant shifts will affect the workplace of the future: globalization, changing demographics, and social technologies. The best companies are already preparing their strategies to win the quest for top talent. The 2020 workplace will be defined by acute vision—20/20 vision—concerning how companies design innovative systems for sourcing, developing, and keeping tomorrow’s employees today.
Dirk Tussing & Milwaukee Learning Leaders will share best practices and case studies surrounding the changing impacting the 2020 workplace, namely:

  • Globalization: global access to markets and talent will reshape the business. How are companies preparing employees to develop a global mindset and way of operating in a global marketplace?
  • Demographics: five generations will be working side-by-side. How will companies adjust the way they source, orient, and develop an age-diverse workforce when Millennials are estimated to be 50% of the workforce by 2020?
  • Social Technologies: social media will connect employees, customers, and partners for increased communication and collaboration. Why and how are companies developing internal corporate social networks to create a culture of innovation? How are they integrating tablets into the delivery mix of learning programs? What is the business impact?

We plan to profile in detail how business simulations support innovative leadership models and usage of social networking and immersive gaming as part of these emerging leadership.

Finally, they will share several predictions for how the workplace in 2020 will evolve and what you can do to prepare for this.

This interactive discussion is based upon the latest leadership development practices of learning & talent development case studies as well as research with over 250 companies as well as a global panel of 2,200 working professionals as profiled in, The 2020 Workplace: How Innovative Companies Attract, Develop & Keep Tomorrow’s Employees Today (Harper Business)
