Session Focus: Reimagine Return on Training Content--Take Out Costs & Deliver New Kinds of Business Value
- Is Curation of L&D Content a Fad or a Strategic, Integrated Talent Development Capability?
- Frontier Communication’s Case Study: Building highly interactive graphical learning using HRDQ’s RTL
Essential Forwarding-thinking Skill: The intersection of Design & Development
We started this experiment with ELE's one-page Navigating Difficult Conversations Learning Summary curating HRD-RTL content with the license we bought. Then two teams independently co-create interactive prototypes to take this experiment to the next level. More details are on this Insights' PDF available for our members to access after they log in. Here is a summary of what they focused on:
- Using Degreed’s platform for curating content, Kyle Swanson & Cindy Miller created a 163-minute online course for a cohort to build:
- Using the getAbstract Micro-Lesson Configurator Tool, Kay Saguiped & DeB Lenchard created three Micro-lessons:
- Conducting Difficult Conversations (1/3)
- Dealing with Difficult People (Conducting Difficult Conversations 2/3)
- Thoughtful Communication (Conducting Difficult Conversations 3/3)
A 3rd curation experiment Dirk Tussing and Kyle Swanson co-created using an online MOOC, Healthy Conversations for High-Performance Teams (using ELE's platform).
This invite-only collaborative aligns with the research Karen Kocher shared on Oct 17, 2019, Essential Behaviors & Skills Driving for 2019 and Beyond. By participating in this 90-minute, highly interactive virtual learning circle, HR and Talent Development Team Leaders can build essential new skills critical as our workplaces are evolving.