Developing an Organizational Strategy in 4 Hours? YES Really

The current business environment is full of new and exciting challenges for learning and performance leaders to navigate. We are in the midst of a generational changing of the guards with respect to workforce leadership, the evolution of technology at a more rapid rate along with increased regulatory scrutiny. As a result, organizations are required to ensure that their human capital is ready to meet the challenges of today while remaining competitive in the global economy.

It is within this opportunity that learning organizations cannot rely on existing processes to create strategies that hit the target with significant impact.

Instead, we have learned how to get ahead of the curve and rapidly drive systematic alignment and improvement.

This session applies proven methodologies for creating strategic direction and generating rapid results that align with the desired outcomes for your organization. The process uses a systematic, fast, and engaging interaction with tools that predictably identify performance gaps, causal factors, and solutions for successful change. The outcome yields high engagement with stakeholders, leading to immediate agreement and action, and ultimately leaves them spellbound and wanting more.

  • Apply a comprehensive strategy for an organization using rapid simple and predictive tools
  • Identify targeted solutions using an effort/benefit matrix
  • Conduct a rapid performance analysis using systematic cause analysis
  • Provide stakeholders guidance on taking strategic action using a modified SWOT
  • Create an executive summary that drives accountability