Early Career Development & Career Transition Programs

CEOs and Boards of Directors are increasingly discussing Talent Risk as a part of their business strategy. Their questions directly focus on the extent to which their organization’s talent capabilities are prepared to adjust and grow to the future needs of the business. Recent research from i4cp highlights that most organizations (67%) have not taken action to address Talent Risk. Lack of data on internal skills & capabilities and lack of integrated processes between strategic workforce planning and development are two of the biggest challenges.

  • To what extent does your organizations use early career development to attract future talent?
  • What are the “Must Have” practices for early career development?
  • How are assessments and frameworks for critical capabilities used to identify development needs?
  • To what extent does your organization have a clear methodology for transition points within an employee’s career?
  • What practical methods are being used to develop line manager’s coaching skills?
  • What measures are demonstrating the impact of early career development?