Gender IQ for Developing Collaborative Leaders with John Fayad

In today’s dynamic and disruptive business environment, companies that practice Gender Intelligence creates cultures of inclusiveness and grow in their global competitiveness. They secure and retain the best talent, make better strategic decisions, produce more relevant products and services, and, as a result, achieve superior financially.

The Gender Intelligence Group and Pearson Education together introduce Gender Intelligence, the next and most profound step in our evolution of the understanding of the natural and unique cognitive strengths in men and women.

They share best practices in Gender Intelligence—from leadership development at the c-suite to engaging e-learning programs for deep and lasting cultural change throughout an organization.

  1. A deeper understanding of the different yet complementary critical thinking talents and skills of men and women
  2. Recognizing the neuroscience of difference-thinking demonstrable in such areas as communication, problem-solving, decision-making, and leadership
  3. How to create cultures that value those differences and effectively blend the traits, talents, and skills of women and men at all levels of leadership