Key Trends for New Talent Development Reporting Standards

As an industry, we have struggled for years to address issues such as linking learning to business results and getting a seat at the table. We know we need to align what we do to the business and to demonstrate an impact on the job, but we struggle with how to do it.

This panel session will not only address those issues head-on but also help us advance our industry’s ability to develop reporting standards that are vital to our growth. During this highly-interactive panel session, here are a few of the topics we will cover:

  • How do we develop a common terminology for metrics and reporting?
  • How do we leverage reporting to engage business executives?
  • How do we run Talent Development as a strategic business process?
  • What measurement fundamentals should be required?
  • How do we become world-class in measuring and improving our impact?

This lively discussion on Key Trends for New Talent Development Reporting Standards will address several timely topics, and Kent will share information on a new website created by Dave Vance,
