The Perfect Murder – Why Cigna is Killing Traditional Learning Approaches and Employee Engagement Models

Cigna has ambitious goals for the future and has a stated goal of doubling its revenue over the next 7-8 years. To execute against this and meet the goals around customer-centricity, Cigna is blowing up traditional approaches towards learning and people engagement.

To achieve these ambitious goals, employees must be provided with autonomy and empowerment, meaningful work, strong team-based environments with opportunities to collaborate & innovate, and strength-based coaching. Cigna is, therefore, reviewing and integrating Talent management processes in a way that creates and fosters a collaborative environment enabling deeper connections, agile and customer-focused workforce, and innovative mindset.

Some examples presented during this case study will include:

  • Killing forced rankings – a movement towards conversation and coaching, away from typical performance ratings and focused on development, stretch assignments, career interests and opportunities to collaborate
  • Killing traditional Learning approaches – enabling social and collaborative learning at the speed of need
  • Killing traditional Surveys – enabling targeted reach-outs on strategic and tactical needs that truly drive business results and is a predictive indicator of future trends

Lessons are being learned every day around the speed of execution, messaging that works (or doesn’t), usage of social media tools, manager engagement, etc.
