The Future of Training & Development: Identifying Behaviors, Competencies & Skills to Sustain High Performance

The future of learning and development is a much-discussed and debated topic. This topic is for a good reason considering a recent study of more than 3,000 global CEOs indicated that talent development is one of the top five differentiators a company must leverage for future success.

Typically the conversation between learning and development professionals is centered on modalities and goes something like this “will e-learning displace classroom learning?” or “is social media the way of the future for learning and development?”

This approach does not do the subject justice, nor does it interest or engage business leaders. Restricting thinking and conversation at this level will have an impact on the focus, funding, and respect given to learning and development in addition to hampering us from delivering extraordinary performance for our companies.

The “points of dialogue” for the future of learning and development are evolving from business, workplace, workforce, and integrated talent management strategies. Significant talent development trends are indicating as these forces grow, and we must base our future strategy and work efforts on these trends.

This discussion will put forward thought leadership and in motion practices, ideally leading to a “new” set of arguments and debate. Those that will aid learning and development in being the needed differentiator for the world to come.
