Making It Visible – Metrics & Engagement at All Levels

Companies and non-profit organizations all over the world are continually striving to keep their workforce skilled to meet the evolving needs of the marketplace. Juggling cost/investment pressures are becoming more critical. This focus has been shifting away from a traditional corporate university and moving into the areas of a variety of talent development and human capital management aspects encompassing broader functions, including hiring, performance management, and adding operational efficiencies.

To help guide the roundtable panel discussion, our facilitator will cover some or all of the following:

Cigna started adding to its learning metrics and started using metrics around operational performance and NPS. This included a fundamental grounding in behavior changes and simple messaging enhancements (simply put, using plain English rather than business buzzwords), interactive, fun games to reinforce the value of customer eccentricity, and elevating NPS as an enterprise-wide metric.

The College of American Pathologists is using employee survey data to develop an “Employee Value Proposition” to engage our existing and future workforce in ways that promote the organization’s mission, vision, and strategy; strengthen our employees’ emotional commitment to the organization and ultimately drives organizational results.

The results have been quite heartening. Healthcare organizations such as Cigna see significant improvement around not only customer metrics but also internal operational scores around turnover, process efficiency, cost reduction, etc.

Successes are being achieved using various continuous improvement strategies where we constantly adjust & tweak levers required to keep pace with the dynamics of the global healthcare industry.
